Local 709 Members can sign up with UnionSavings.ca and with their account have access to discounts in the following areas:
Through this subscription, active IATSE members and those working under IATSE agreements will have unlimited access to the LinkedIn Learning online library of high-quality, instructional videos across a wide spectrum of technologies. LinkedIn Learning is designed for all levels of learners with courses taught by recognized industry experts, and it’s available whenever you’re ready to learn. You can access it from your LinkedIn profile, and you can view courses from your mobile device with the LinkedIn Learning app available on iOS or Android.
For more information, visit the IATSE Training Trust - LinkedIn Learning website about the subscriptions.
How to Apply for a Subscription:
Email your completed application to lil@iatsetrainingtrust.org. You will receive a subscription request confirmation email followed by a welcome email containing a link to set up your LinkedIn Learning account.